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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snow Day

Here is a short video clip of Noah and his snow fort.

Noah sliding

Noah sliding
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
On Saturday Greg and Noah along with Brandon and Nicholas went to Lincoln sliding. They said the hill was awesome and the kids got lots of fresh air. Apparently there were about 50 people taking advantage of all the fresh powder.

Cutie Kya

Cutie Kya
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
Isn't she gorgeous!?!

Kya in snow

Kya in snow
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
Kya really enjoyed playing in the snow as well. She loved it when our neighbor was nice enough to come over and snow blow the mouth of our driveway.

Noah with his fort

Noah with his fort
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
Friday we were hit with a huge snow storm. Besides worrying about Greg driving to and from work it was a great day. It's nice to know that Mother Nature still has it in her.
Greg was home by 230pm and then he and Noah were out in the yard shoveling and playing. They even built a snow fort.

Noah in the snow

Noah in the snow
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
This is my new favorite picture of Noah. He has been having a great time playing in the snow.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Noah playing hockey

Noah playing hockey
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
Mom and Art got Noah a little hockey net with some sticks for Christmas. We finally put it together the other night and it kept him busy the entire weekend. I think we may have a hockey player on our hands.