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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

MS Walk

On May 6, the Lydon family will be taking part in the MS Walk. We have only missed one walk in the past eight years and that is because we were in the process of moving home last year. If you would like to sponsor us please visit the following link.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
It takes Greg forever these days to get the driveway shoveled. The kids love to be out there with him playing in the snow. They have a great time but Greg is excited for next year when we will have a snow blower.

Kya and her horse

Kya and her horse
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
Art made this rocking horse for Noah when he was this age. He loved it and now Kya loves it. It is so cute to see them get on together.

Crabbe Mountain

Crabbe Mountain
Originally uploaded by hollylydon.
Greg and Noah have been up to Crabbe Mountain 4 or 5 times this winter. Noah is doing great. They have been spending lots of time on the Family Run practicing the snowplow. We got a harness to attach to Noah and it makes it a bit more enjoyable for Greg as well.