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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August Update

Is it August 21st already? It is starting to feel like fall outside and although fall is my favorite month, I'm not quite ready to say farewell to summer. Here are some recent photos of the past month.
We decided to take the kids for a canoe trip along the Nashwaksis Stream. Since it was their first time out we wanted something short and simple. Kya loved it but Noah was a little nervous. He said he was scared that we were going to go down a waterfall.

This past weekend was the final soccer game. It was great meeting up with the other soccer moms but I'm so glad its over for another year.

This past weekend we went to Jeremy and Daphne's wedding. We had a great time and a huge grateful thank you to my mom for taking the kids for the night. It was the first time in over 4 years that Greg and I had a whole night out. It was so nice not to awaken to the pitter patter of little feet asking for breakfast at 6am. Most mornings its great but not when your hung over.