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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween

Unfortunately I only took three pictures of our little treak or treaters last night. We had a very rushed start to our evening. We went to see the Caledonia Cup in the afternoon (very exciting game, YAY Loyalists!) and it was 530 by the time we got home. We made some quick pizzas and ate and got dressed it it was after 630. So I grabbed a quick photo on our way out the door. The weather was beautiful for Halloween night and the kids had a ball. I've never seen them move so quick as they were going from door to door. Maybe I should promise candy in the mornings when we are trying to get out of the house.

Fall 2009

Some fall photos taken at Odell Park and in our home.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Kya

I can not believe that Kya is now 4 years old. I seriously do not know where the past four years have gone. She decided that she wanted to have a princess party this year with no boys around. So Greg took Noah and Briana out for the afternoon while Kya had 10 friends come over to help celebrate her birthday. I don't have many pictures since Greg wasn't around. He's much better with the camera than I am.
A HUGE thank you to Tracey for making Kya's birthday cake. And it tasted as good as it looked!

Apple Picking

I love the fall when we get to go apple picking. There is always such a good opportunity to get nice photos of the kids. I also learned how to make a delicious Maple Apple Pie this year to use all of those apples.

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Kathleen was home during Harvest Jazz and Blues this year. Kathleen and Greg decided to take the kids for a Sunday afternoon paddle down the St. John River. They put in at the Bucket Club and paddled down to the Small Craft Aquatic Center.

Fundy National Park

We went to Fundy for the day a few weeks ago. We had fried clams, sticky buns and then worked it all off on a hike to Laverty falls. It was a great day.

Grade 1

Noah started Grade 1 this year. He loves school and I hope that continues for many years. His teacher this year is Mrs. Holloway and she is great. I love Forest Hill School. It is Kindergarten and Grade 1, only 115 students. When you walk into the school the principal greets you by name.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mayor's Awards

The Mayor's Awards are based on healthy living. You can gather points by being active, eating healthy, limited TV and so on. Greg heard about this and we talked to Noah about it and he said he wanted to try. Throughout the summer we kept points everytime Noah did something that was on this chart for the Mayor's Awards. He ended up getting a gold medal. The City of Fredericton hosted an award ceremony at Odell Park Lodge and Noah was quite excited.

More PEI


I am so far behind in updating this blog. Now that I am back to work, the last thing that I want to do is be on the computer in the evenings. I'll start the update with some August pictures. Our beautiful baby girl turned 1 on August 1st and we decided to go to PEI with Greg's parents. We rented a great cabin and stayed away from all of the tourist spots while on the island. It was a great weekend.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Campsite in New Hampshire