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Saturday, January 24, 2009


This winter it seems that we having something on the go everyday. Monday night I have pilates, Tuesday night Noah has swimming lessons, Wednesday night I have pilates, Thursday night is free, Friday night Greg plays hockey (not until 10:30pm), Saturdays the boys so skiing until about 4:30 and Kya has dance class, Sundays are free until later in the day when we head to Gramma and Grampa's for dinner. Whenever we have some free time we try to squeeze in some family activites. This past Thursday evening we bundled up the kids and went skating at Officer's Square. If you haven't gone yet this winter, go! The kids had so much fun.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here are a few random photos taken over the past few weeks in our house. We are all just getting over colds that seem to have hung on for way too long.
We seem to be getting back into our routines after the holidays. Noah is now in ski school at Crabbe Mountain every Saturday and is going to swimming lessons once a week. Kya started another round of dance classes but this time with Dance Fredericton. It has been so cold this past week that we haven't been doing much. Ski school was cancelled yesterday due to the wind chill warning. Here's hoping for a much warmer week.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Kya's Earrings

Kya has been asking for her ear's pierced off and on since the summer. When she went to her friend Emily's birthday party in November she started asking even more. When you asked her what she wanted for Christmas from Santa she would say new earrings. Santa brought her a gift card and on New Year's Eve we headed up to the mall to get them done. I think the whole experience was harder on me then on her. She did wimper for a few minutes after but the talk of a DQ ice cream cured her. She loves her new earrings and reminds us to clean them through out the day.

The Crowne Plaza

A few days after Christmas we packed up the family and met the Keats at the Crowne Plaza for a night away. The Crowne Plaza has good deals on rooms during the holidays so we decided to take advantage of it. We got adjoining rooms and the kids played in one while the adults hung out in the other. It was complete chaos but lots of fun. The kids did not stop jumping on the beds from the time we arrived until it was time to leave the next morning. We played in the pool, ordered pizza and stayed up late watching movies.

Christmas '08

Today is Saturday and the Christmas holidays are almost over. The kids were off of school for two weeks. Greg had 10 days off from work. We were super busy and didn't get nearly as much done as we hoped. Aunt Kathleen was home for the holidays so we spent alot of time with her and the rest of our families. We didn't take nearly enough pictures but here are a few of what we did take. Happy 2009!

Noah and Kya sprinkling the reindeer food in the front yard.

Reading Twas the Night Before Christmas

Opening gifts. Noah has been wanting a tropht since he played soccer the first year when he was three. Greg decided to get trophies made for the kids to be from Santa. It was Noah's favorite gift.

Tree Decorating

Decorating the tree is one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Noah and Kya each got out their boxes of ornaments and hung them up. They get a new ornament each year and they ask questions about each ornament they pull from the box.

Christmas Concerts

Here are a few pictures of this year's Christmas concerts. Noah sang "Jolly Ol' Saint Nicholas" non-stop for the whole month of December.
Kya had a small concert with her preschool class. There are only 5 kids in her class but it was next to impossible to get them all to stand together to sing a song for the parents. Their Christmas party was a pajama party and they were wired on gingerbread and chocalate by the time we arrived.