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Friday, March 20, 2009

Briana Quinn

Our beautiful baby girl is growing up way too fast. In four months I have to return to work and then seems to approaching quickly. Briana is now trying to sit up. She is still a bit wobbely but she can go for a good minute before falling over. She has finally mastered her rolls. She loves to watch her big brother and big sister and they love her so much.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Break

We stuck close to home over March Break. We did manage to get another trip to the Crowne Plaze for a "Staycation" We missed not having the Keats with us this time but anytime we get away for a night it feels like a bit of a vacation. The next night was the Doodlebop concert. Greg took Noah and Kya to the show and they had a great time.

Walk in the Park

Enjoying beautiful Odell Park.

Sliding in Mactaquac

Our camera broke this winter so we had to borrow Gramma and Grampa's to capture a few of our winter activites. In these pictures we decided to take the kids to Mactaquac to go sliding. I have never been sliding there and was amazed at the size of the sliding hill. There was a smaller as well for the kids to enjoy but they wanted to go on the steep hill. A few rides down and hikes back up left Noah and Kya exhausted!
Greg was just telling me this morning that one of the government cutbacks announced this week has to do with the winter activities at Mactaquac Provincial Park. Apparently there will be no more sliding, cross country skiing, sleigh rides, skating and all of the other fun things to do there unless you plan on hiking in the snow to get into the Park. That sucks!