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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mother's Day

I should know that if all is quiet in the house, the kids are up to no good. Noah and Kya were up in Noah's room playing yesterday and I was enjoying the quiet trying to get things done around the house. They came downstairs and then because it was a rainy day I let them watch a movie. After their movie I noticed some purple marker on Noah's arms. When I pulled up his sleeve this was my discovery. They thought they were pretty funny. There was also a full picture of me on Kya's back with the words MOME (Noah's spelling - makes sense) They said that they did this for me for Mother's Day. It is kind of hard to be upset with them when it's my name written all over their bodies.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

An afternoon at the park

Noah is just finishing a 5 day weekend. We kept busy with Greg's 35th birthday, a playdate, hanging out at home and trying to get a few trips in at the park. I actually remembered to bring my camera to Wilmot park and captured a few moments.