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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mayor's Awards

The Mayor's Awards are based on healthy living. You can gather points by being active, eating healthy, limited TV and so on. Greg heard about this and we talked to Noah about it and he said he wanted to try. Throughout the summer we kept points everytime Noah did something that was on this chart for the Mayor's Awards. He ended up getting a gold medal. The City of Fredericton hosted an award ceremony at Odell Park Lodge and Noah was quite excited.

More PEI


I am so far behind in updating this blog. Now that I am back to work, the last thing that I want to do is be on the computer in the evenings. I'll start the update with some August pictures. Our beautiful baby girl turned 1 on August 1st and we decided to go to PEI with Greg's parents. We rented a great cabin and stayed away from all of the tourist spots while on the island. It was a great weekend.