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Wednesday, January 27, 2010


What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Noah's New Look




Saturday, January 02, 2010

We're going on a Staycation

This year marked our second annual Staycation with the Keats family. We tried our luck at the Delta this time. The kids had a ball, my only hope is that if we continue to do this we book a suite next year.

Christmas Eve and Morning

Santa found his way to the Lydon's once again. We were all spoiled by our families and Santa. We had a great Christmas. Noah finally got a DS which he has been asking for for two years now. Kya loves her Fur Real cat and Briana is happy that it's all over. She was not a fan of getting up at 6am on Christmas morning and is still a bit young to get into Christmas like the others. Next year will be crazy!

Christmas Preperation

There are no Christmas tree cutting photos this year because we bought our tree outside of Wal-Mart to support Shriners.The day that we (us and Greg's parents) were all able to go and get a tree it was very cold outside so we decided to keep it simple. Although the money went to a good cause I think next year we will head back to our favorite Christmas tree farm. We still had lots of fun decorating it.


Noah joined Beavers this year and he loves it. His good buddy Christopher goes with him. Last month they had a special ceremony where the new beavers received their tails. The last picture I thought was cute even though it has nothing to do with Beavers.