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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Lydon's

Sunday, May 09, 2010

This and That

Noah and Kya entered the Lincoln Road Race, kids race.

Noah Turns 7

Noah celebrated his 7th birthday at Kingswood playing lazertag this year. Our original play was to have a Mad Science party at the house but three of the five of us had the flu the week before the party so we decided to take the party to Kingswood at the last minute. The kids always have a good time there.

Easter Weekend

We had the most beautiful weather over the East weekend. We managed some fun at Queen's Square on Saturday.

Last day of ski school

Noah finished his third year of ski school this year. On the last day they always encourage the kids to dress up in costumes. Kya started the winter in ski school but after two weeks we quickly realized it wasn't going to work out for her. She had more fun skiing with Greg.

March Break at Mt. Sutton

It's been a while since my last update and rumour has it there have been some complaints. I 'm going to do my best to let you know what we've been up to the past few months. This post is going to be dedicated to Mt. Sutton in Quebec. Our good friends Geoff and Lindsay asked us if we would be interested in going skiing for March Break. We jumped at the opportunity and wondered if they really knew what they were getting themselves into. There are five of us. It worked out great and Geoff's folks have an awesome chalet with ski access onto the mountain. The boys skiied all day for three days. Kya was out every morning. And I even managed two afternoons on the slopes. The kids were exhaused by bedtime and the adults were able to enjoy some beverages and play some games. I belive I was the winner of both Yatzee and Monolopy but who's keeping track :)

Isn't this a cute family shot? Too bad Greg and I are not in it.

Cranky rock stars.