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Friday, August 13, 2010


It has become tradition to go to PEI with Greg's parents during the long weekend in August. Luckily for Briana her first two birthdays have been on this weekend as well. PEI is always a great place to visit!
We have so many great shots of the kids from this trip; thanks to Barry's camera. Greg was trying to capture as many pictures of the kids as possible that he forgot the scenery photos as well. There's always next year...

Briana's Turns 2

Happy Birthday Briana

Briana celebrated her 2nd birthday on August 1st. She had a birthday party with friends at Wilmot Park one evening and on her actual birthday we were in PEI with Greg's parents. I know I say this at every birthday but I can't believe she is now a year older. These kids are growing way too fast! Happy Birthday B, we love you!!

Fundy National Park

We made the trek to Fundy a few weekends ago. It was our first time camping in the campground. In the past we've always hiked into a campground. That is a little harder these days with three little rugrats.
We met a couple of other families for the weekend and had a great time. We love our tent trailer!