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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer 2011

Wow!! what an amazing summer us Lydon's have had! Tons of camping trips, visits to friends cottages, a cross continental trip to Seattle, our annual trip over to PEI, and an amazing wedding. Looking back through all our pictures, the overwelming task to simply paraphrase such an awesome summer doesnt seem possible. With only one weekend left over till the unofficial end of Summer, labor day weekend is always a bitter sweet weekend. Im sure the post to follow will jog some good memories.

Nicki Wedding

A summer would not be complete without a wedding! I was lucky and honored to be asked to be in Geoff and Umi's wedding this August. Nothing better than celebrating an amazing friends wedding with all of your childhood friends! Wow! Congrats Geoff and Umi!!

The Harvey Cottage

This years trip to the Harvey's Cottage included a total of four couples. The Jackman's, the McCarthy's, us and of course the Harvey family. A mere total of 16 of us hanging out at an absolutely beautiful cottage setting on the gorgeous Tobique River. Thank you Harvey family for a great weekend!

PEI 2011

The Lydon family trip to Prince Edward Island has become our annual trip to celebrate Briana's birthday and to search of the perfect vacation rental. This years cottage candidate was located on the eastern end of the island was indeed an amazing cottage and certainly a beautiful part of the island. All the usual events took place including tons of beach time and the mandatory lobster dinner.

Vacation in Seattle

We have been so blessed to recently have the Cosens family join our family. We gladly accepted an invitation to visit them in Seattle this summer and we are so glad we did. Our trip to the west coast was amazing. Our time together was so filled with fun and events. We consider ourselves so lucky to have the Cosens family apart of our family and cant wait to hook up again! Love you guys and see you soon! The Lydon's

Kouchibougac Camping Trip

Noah and Kya were lucky to go on a vacation with Grammie and Papa to Ontario. Therefore, Holly, Briana and I were left to entertain ourselves. We decided to gear up the camper and head to Kouchibougac. This amazing National Park is perfect for a bicycling vacation. Aside from the mosquitoes eating us alive, we had a great time together, just the three of us!

Yogi Bear

We finally made it to Yogi Bear for a camping trip. It took lots of convincing for us parents to go, but we eventually realized it was for the kids. It turned out to be a lot of fun and a gorgeous weekend, and most importantly, the kids loved it!

Mactaquac Camping

Of all the camping spots we have visited, our trips to Mactaquac are always awesome. You can count on a trip to Mactaquac to be perfect and complete with tons of friends at the park.