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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Belated Merry Christmas!

The Lydon family celebrated yet another amazing family Christmas this past year of 2011! With the emphasis on family we managed to celebrate Christmas with all of our family... a great visit with sister Lydon, our traditional Christmas eve mass celebration followed by Christmas eve dinner with the Lydon and Noseworthy families, at our house. Art and Connie joined us (early) Christmas morning to watch the kiddos tear apart the thousand of gifts. Of course Christmas was completed with an amazing meal and more presents at Mom and Dads.

After a couple of days of rest we packed up our ski gear and headed west to join our west coast family and share a ski vacation with Kevin and Judy in Sun Valley Idaho.

Thinking back on our Christmas holidays, the best part was being with all our families, east and west. We love you all!!!