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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Working Mom

Starting on Monday, I will be off to work at the Department of Education. It's a 20 week contract for 30 hours /week. I think it is the hardest decision I have ever had to make. After much search, we finally found a babysitter that we trust. She has a 4 year old boy and a 10 month old boy of her own and in another month they will be joined by another 4 year old boy and a 1 year old girl. Kya spent two mornings there this week and her and Noah spent a full day (by 3:00 I caved in and went to pick them up). She doesn't seen to be adjusting very well at this point but I'm confident that she will. She is so attached to me that it is very hard for her (not to mention the poor thing cut two teeth since Wednesday). There is nothing worse than handing your child off to a stranger when she is crying and reaching for her mom. I'm sure all you other moms know exactly what I'm talking about.
Noah seems to like the sitter but is laying the guilt on me saying how much he will miss me when I go to work. He's a lucky little boy that I was able to stay home with him for 4 years.
I am actually looking forward to being in the workforce again and having conversations with grown-ups. Plus bring home a little extra money doesn't hurt either! Wish us luck!


Rob said...

Good luck with the new job!!