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Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Thank goodness that vacation is over! After a night in Quebec City, two nights in Montreal - where I think I may have had the worse hangover of my life after my sisters stagette, we headed to Peterborough to visit Uncle Hammy. Both kids got the flu while we were there. Thankfully Noah was only sick for one night but Kya couldn't keep anything down for 4 days. We had two trips to the emergency room and both doctors said that she wasn't showing signs of dehydration and this flu had to run its course. On our way home in Quebec City, the doctor gave her a shot of gravol to settle her stomach and help her sleep so that we could get home. But the flu won out again and we had to stop for the night in Edmunston. She is doing much better now, thank goodness. A huge thanks to Hammy for letting us use his washing machine and infect the entire house.
I stole a few pictures off of Carries facebook - hope you don't mind - of the big wedding - which is the reason why we had a vacation. I will get a picture of the bride and groom up soon. Both of our kids looked adorable. Apparently Noah was a star on the dance floor after Kya and I headed back to our hotel. Amanda looked beautiful and the ceremony was short and sweet. Congrats guys and I hope your having a great start to your new life in Jamaica.