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Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekend Fun

Last night we stopped by Greg's parents house for a quick visit. As we were leaving the kids thought it would be fun to quickly run through the sprinkler. A good half hour later this is what they looked like.

And this is my new favorite shot of the kids taken at Mom's Saturday night. Thanks Carrie.

Monday, July 23, 2007

More camping photos

Kouchibuguac National Park

Last week Greg and I took a few days off work and packed up the car to go camping. We went to Kouchibuguac for a couple of nights and had a wonderful time. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The only negative was the beach was littered with jellyfish so we couldn't really do any swimming. Which is a shame because the water was so warm. But we played on the beach and made the most of it.
We did a few hikes and went for some beautiful bike rides. Here are a few photos of the trip.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
Kya was baptised on July 14th. We had a very small informal gathering to celebrate the affair.


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
When we starting to talk about who we could ask to be Kya's godparents there was no real choice. We knew from the start that we were going to ask Pete and Tracey. We wanted someone who would always be in Kya's life and we know that they will be. Thanks again guys - Kya is incredibly lucky to have you.

Pete with candle
Originally uploaded by hollylydon
We are all staring because Pete was having a hard time getting the candle lit.


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
She's had enough!


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
Noah wanted in on all of the action.


Originally uploaded by hollylydon


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
Kya and her daddy hanging out by the ocean.

It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life
Originally uploaded by hollylydon

Grand Manan

Grand Manan
Originally uploaded by hollylydon
It's a beautiful island!


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
These three got along wonderfully. Ava seemed quite enchanted with Noah. I think she has a crush!

Waiting for the Ferry

Waiting for the Ferry
Originally uploaded by hollylydon
We are waiting for the ferry here for Grand Manan - we were there in t ime for the 11:30 ferry but because the boat was so small they could only fit a certain number of people on it so we had to wait for two hours for the bigger boat to arrive. Oh well - fun times!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer '07

I apologize for being so slack on this blog recently. It has been a crazy busy month. Trying to have a life as well as working full time is really hard. I don't know how people manage it so easily.
I'll try to give an update as best as I can. I went away to PEI for a girls weekend in June. It was for Glenda's stagette and we had a great time. We did lots of shopping and hanging out on the beach and even drank a few beer :) It was the first time that Kya was left home with Dad. They had such a good time I don't think anybody even realized I was gone.
Then Greg went away to the Mirimichi on a fishing trip with a few of his friends. They didn't catch any salmon but had a lot of fun trying.
For Canada Day we went to Grand Manan Island with the Slipps. We went last year as well and decided to make it an annual event. We even got to see a whale from our campsite. Very very cool.
This past week I've been really busy with a conference at work but it is now over and I am going to enjoy the next 5 days with my family for all the overtime I put in. We are heading to Kouchibiquac for a weekend of camping.
That about brings you all up to date - I'll post more up to date pictures soon.

Boys Fishing Weekend

Boys Fishing Weekend
Originally uploaded by hollylydon
Greg had the opportunity to go fishing a few weekends ago with a few of the boys. From what I hear it was a beautiful spot and I know he had a great time.

Noah - Soccer

Noah - Soccer
Originally uploaded by hollylydon
Noah's team is called the Coral Reefs.


Originally uploaded by hollylydon
Kya is a good sport and loves to go and cheer on her big brother at soccer.