? ??????????????The Best Thing? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.9 (23 Ratings)??83 Grabs Today. 10336 Total Grab
s. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Lovenotes? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??71 Grabs Today. 211 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:??? CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Photos

This is the other picture that was taken for our Christmas photos.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Photos

We took the kids to Sears for the Christmas photos this year. They kept messing up our order so we got all of our pictures for free. We also have this picture in color which is very cute. I just happened to bring this one into work today and thought I should add it to the blog.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Noah and Kya are finally starting to play in the playroom again. They didn't enjoy playing in the basement for the longest time but seem to be coming around again. Kya is fixing the wall with Noah's tools and Noah is playing with his geotrax. This train set has been one of his favorite toys for over 2 years now. I'd say that's a good investment.
Yup - those are panties that Kya is wearing. She is now potty trained and is doing great with it. We still put a diaper on her during naps and night but she is waking up dry. She mastered this skill in under 3 weeks. Way to go girl!

Sleeping Beauties

Some of you may not believe me when I talk about Kya turning into a little diva. I think these pictures may prove my point. Last night she refused to go to sleep without wearing her sunglasses to bed. I tried to take them off after story time and she put up a fight so I thought I may as well go along with it. After taking these pictures as evidence I removed the glasses and put them on her bedside table. At about 4am this morning I heard her wake up over the monitor and crawl out of bed. This is a regular occurance in our house so I didn't think much of it until when I looked up and she walked into our room she had the glasses on again. I had to wake Greg up because it was so funny.
Noah was such an easy toddler that I am finding the "two's" way more challenging this time around. I don't know if it's a girl/boy thing or just the difference in their personality. Either way its fun and challenging and I wouldn't change a thing :)

The Santa Claus Parade

Saturday night we bundled up and headed over to the Northside to check out Fredericton's Santa Claus parade. We met up with some other families and the Keats house and walked down to Main Street to check out the festivities. It was so COLD!! At one point Noah said "Daddy I'm not cold, I can't feel anything" Thank goodness the big guy showed up quickly after that.
The kids are very into Christmas this year and are super excited. I had to take the day off work today due to a flood at the Y (daycare closed) so Noah and I decorated the house today. It's a bit earlier than I would normally do it but it was fun and he loves it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ella's party

This past weekend Miss. Ella Wells turned 4. We headed over to her grandparents house for a great birthday party. The party had a ladybug theme and all the kids made their own hats. We had a great lunch (my favorite is Kerry's guacamole) and Kerry did a great job on the birthday cake. Thank you for a great time.

Random Cuteness

This is what life is all about.

Dress Up

One of the favorite activies in our house is dress-up. Mom bought Kya a tickle trunk full of dress up clothes and they are played with often. Kya is definately becoming a girly girl and loves to push around her doll in a stroller carrying her purse. These pink sunglasses are hit. Everyone loves them. How can you not?

Helping Hands

This is what happens when Noah and Kya try helping their Dad rake leaves. I should have taken a picture of the number of bags that were sitting at our curb last week. I believe that there were 31 bags in total. Greg was a busy boy!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy Halloween

Noah and Kya had a great Halloween. The went trick or treating in Poets Hill (Gramma and Grampa's area) and each came home with a bag full of candy. It is going to last forever if we only allow them their one treat after dinner. Looks like Greg and I have some eatin' to do :)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween

Since I thought that the kids and knifes wouldn't be a good mix we decided to let Noah and Kya paint their own pumpkins this year. It was fun and the best part was the roasted pumpkin seeds afterwards. We snacked on those while watching Greg carve the "master pumpkin"