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Monday, November 26, 2007

Sleeping Beauties

Some of you may not believe me when I talk about Kya turning into a little diva. I think these pictures may prove my point. Last night she refused to go to sleep without wearing her sunglasses to bed. I tried to take them off after story time and she put up a fight so I thought I may as well go along with it. After taking these pictures as evidence I removed the glasses and put them on her bedside table. At about 4am this morning I heard her wake up over the monitor and crawl out of bed. This is a regular occurance in our house so I didn't think much of it until when I looked up and she walked into our room she had the glasses on again. I had to wake Greg up because it was so funny.
Noah was such an easy toddler that I am finding the "two's" way more challenging this time around. I don't know if it's a girl/boy thing or just the difference in their personality. Either way its fun and challenging and I wouldn't change a thing :)


Anonymous said...

hahaa, holly that story is to cute... reminds me of a little someone i know!!! I love it.
