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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And Baby Makes Five (YIKES)

Need I say more?


Tracey, Peter, Ava, Leah & Hudson said...

The shirts look great! Kya will join Big brother Noah in being a Super dee duper Big Sis! (Galloping gaskets...did I just say super dee duper?! Time for some grown up t.v Tracey!).

Heather Keats said...

I love it!! The shirts are awesome!!! No need to say more...I am not confused :)

Yeah for you all---we are so excited!

Anonymous said...

Hooray!! these two a super cute!! congrats again... I can't wait to watch your lovely family grow!
hope you are feeling good!

The 4 Ds said...

Congratulations!!!! Very exciting news & time for you all!

Love the shirts!

All the best, Denyse

Lindsay & Geoff said...

What awesome news!! Congrats to you all!!! Can't wait to meet the little one...
L & G