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Monday, March 31, 2008

Sugerbush at Kingslanding

This past weekend we enjoyed some beautiful weather at Kingslanding for their annual Sugarbush. We started at the Blue Canoe for breakfast with friends and headed to Kingslanding afterwards. We barely saw Noah the whole time, during breakfast he wanted to sit with his buddy William and at Kingslanding he ran around with his friend Nicholas. The kids had a great time playing in the snow/mud/puddles and didn't want to go home. It was so nice out it almost feels like Spring is in the air. But then I look outside right now and see more snow falling. BOOOO

Monday, March 24, 2008

Our New Baby

As I mentioned earlier, we had our ultrasound on Thursday. Here are a few pictures of our baby.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Morning

We are so lucky that our kids sleep in on the weekends. Noah finally woke got us out of bed at 8am and wanted to see if we had a special visitor last night. He came downstairs first and noticed some eggs and jelly beans around the house and was very excited. He and Kya had a great time on the Easter Egg hunt. After all the excitement Greg made us some pancakes for breakfast and he continued the Easter theme.
We met up with Greg's parents at the Delta for lunch and discovered that Kya is terrified of the Easter Bunny. She started screaming and shaking and spent the entire time with her head buried in Gramma's chest. She eventually fell asleep. We tried to tell her it wasn't the real thing, it was just a man in a costume but she was having no part of it. After lunch we took the kids to see a matinee. Today's feature was "Horton Hear's a Who" It was Kya's first movie and didn't quite grasp the concept of being quiet. Luckily there wasn't many others around.

Painting Eggs

This long weekend has been highly anticipated in the Lydon household. It started on Thursday with our ultrasound. We got our first glimpse of our new addition. We then went out Thursday night and bought some paint to start redecorating Noah's new bedroom. He is moving to the room in the front of the house and the baby will be getting his room. He picked out a nice shade of blue and Greg has been painting like a madman all weekend. Friday night we went over to the Keat's house for a delicious lasagne dinner. The kids were all so well behaved and they got along great. Saturday night we went out to dinner and then came home and decided to paint some Easter eggs. It was alot of fun and seems to be the highlight of Easter (Ok who am I kidding, the chocolate is always the highlight!)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby #3

This picture was taken of me at 19 weeks. Everything is going really well and we can't wait to meet this little peanut in early August.

Misc Winter Pictures

2008 is shaping up to have the winter that never ends. Here we are trying to make the most of it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cool Dudes

For those of you who don't know, Carter is my mother's boyfriends grandson. Carter and his Mom live with Mom and Art and Carter is with them for half of each week and every other weekend. So I guess you could say Carter and my kids are cousins. Noah and Carter get along really well, he is about 2 years older than Noah. My kids love to go to Grammie and Art's for sleepovers especially if Carter is with them that weekend. Anyway here are a few pictures of them with their new shades.

Kya Skiing

We took Kya up to the ski hill a few weeks ago. It didn't go quite as well as we had hoped. She wanted to go skiing with her brother and once he went off with his class she was done. Mom and Art met us for lunch and Kya put her skiis back on for them to see her go about 20 feet. We had a good time wondering around the lodge and outside and she even managed a late morning nap out in the fresh air.