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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Morning

We are so lucky that our kids sleep in on the weekends. Noah finally woke got us out of bed at 8am and wanted to see if we had a special visitor last night. He came downstairs first and noticed some eggs and jelly beans around the house and was very excited. He and Kya had a great time on the Easter Egg hunt. After all the excitement Greg made us some pancakes for breakfast and he continued the Easter theme.
We met up with Greg's parents at the Delta for lunch and discovered that Kya is terrified of the Easter Bunny. She started screaming and shaking and spent the entire time with her head buried in Gramma's chest. She eventually fell asleep. We tried to tell her it wasn't the real thing, it was just a man in a costume but she was having no part of it. After lunch we took the kids to see a matinee. Today's feature was "Horton Hear's a Who" It was Kya's first movie and didn't quite grasp the concept of being quiet. Luckily there wasn't many others around.