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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Noah Turns 5

Our sweet little man turned 5 years old on April 11th. I can't believe how fast time flies. He is such a great boy and we are very lucky.
Greg asked Noah how he felt being 5 and he said that he "felt old". Just wait until you turn 6 Noah :)
He had a great day which started with being number 1 at daycare. His teacher Joannie made him the crown which he kept on until he went to bed that night. They had cake at daycare and all of the kids made him a card. We picked him up and headed to Boston Pizza with both sets of grandparents for dinner. He liked the look of his brownie but was to full to actually eat it. Greg and I can tell you that it was delicious!
After dinner the famiy came back to our place for the gift opening. Thank you to everyone for all of the great presents. We especially like the one from Auntie Kathleen. He will receive a different craft in the mail every month for the next year. How cool of an idea is that especially for a boy that loves crafts!