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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kya and Grammie

June 12th we helped Mom celebrate her birthday. I stole this picture of Amanada's facebook. Now that we live in Fredericton and see all of the grandparents on a regular basis, we don't have many pictures of them with Noah and Kya. I definately think Kya resembles the Brown side of the family.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

As I type this Greg is still in bed. It is always a treat to get a chance to sleep in these days and once baby girl arrives in 7 short weeks it'll be a while before it happens again.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. My children are so very lucky to have such a wonderful Dad and today is day to show our appreciation. We love you Daddy, Happy Father's Day!


Noah graduated from daycare this week. He actually has one more week in the daycare program then he is off to Kiddy Camp for the summer. Then in September he starts kindergarten. I can't even think about that without getting a bit teary eyed. The daycare had a graduation and the kids got little diplomas and report cards. It was very cute and Noah was looking forward to it all week.
It should be interesting having Kya and Noah in seperate programs for the summer. They've always been together and find comfort in that. It will be a good transition for the fall but Kya enjoys having her big brother close by.

Fishing Derby

A few weekends ago we headed off to Kilarney Lake for their annual fishing derby. The city stocks the lake with trout and gives trophies and prizes to the biggest fish caught. We got the kids fishing roads ready that morning and heaaded to the Derby. It didn't take long for us to remove the hook off of Kya's rod - I'm not sure what we were thinking. There were lots of kids casting into the lake and not really paying attention to what they were doing. I must admit I found all the hooks and little kids a tad stressful but everyone had a great time. Kya decided it would be the perfect day to go swimming and was soaked within minutes of arriving. Luckily Suzanne and her family arrived shortly after and she was smart enought to bring a change of clothes. It didn't take Kya long to get that outfit soaked as well.

Flood 2008

I know I'm very behind on updating the blog. I came across these cute pictures of the kids taken during the flood this year and thought I would post them.