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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fishing Derby

A few weekends ago we headed off to Kilarney Lake for their annual fishing derby. The city stocks the lake with trout and gives trophies and prizes to the biggest fish caught. We got the kids fishing roads ready that morning and heaaded to the Derby. It didn't take long for us to remove the hook off of Kya's rod - I'm not sure what we were thinking. There were lots of kids casting into the lake and not really paying attention to what they were doing. I must admit I found all the hooks and little kids a tad stressful but everyone had a great time. Kya decided it would be the perfect day to go swimming and was soaked within minutes of arriving. Luckily Suzanne and her family arrived shortly after and she was smart enought to bring a change of clothes. It didn't take Kya long to get that outfit soaked as well.