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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Trick or Treat

First of I need to say that I love Kya's new Christmas dress from the Keats family. She is only wearing it as a costume because her Cinderella outfit was not warm enough and her coat would not fit underneath it. She came downstairs Friday morning with a Santa hat on and I thought that she could go out this year as Mrs. Claus. She looked super cute and I'm sure you will all see that dress in many posts in the next couple of months.
Our kids went trick or treating with the Harvey kids in Poets Hill while Briana and I stayed home with Lisa. As you can see Briana is just bored by the whole event. We only had about 10 kids stop by our place. Greg took the kids up and down one street so they do not have an outrageous amount of candy this year. Hopefully it'll all be gone soon.


Heather Keats said...

Too cute!! I am so glad she loves her dress---she looks adorable and Noah looks tough and ready for action!!

Impressive Butterfly--Greg's the MAN!!