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Thursday, February 12, 2009


Don't you just love Kya's wrestling costume?

Noah loses another tooth!

I am going to have two kids teething at the same time. We've had alot of people asking what the tooth fairy pays for teeth these days and the answer is $2. Noah could get a quarter and would still be excited.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Noah loses a tooth

Noah asked me to put these pictures on the blog (I would have even without his request). Today while Noah was eating a peanut butter sandwich, he lost his first tooth. It's been loose since November and finally fell out. The one beside it is close behind. I wonder how much money the tooth fairy gives out for teeth these days.

Big B

Briana Quinn is now 6 months old. She started eating rice cereal a few days ago and seems to like it. She is rolling over but is quite content to just lay on her back or on her side and watch what is going on. Yesterday she went for her shots and is 17lbs and 66cm long. She is such a great baby - a wonderful addition to our family.