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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Big B

Briana Quinn is now 6 months old. She started eating rice cereal a few days ago and seems to like it. She is rolling over but is quite content to just lay on her back or on her side and watch what is going on. Yesterday she went for her shots and is 17lbs and 66cm long. She is such a great baby - a wonderful addition to our family.


Tracey, Peter, Ava, Leah & Hudson said...

Oh My Goodness Noah!!! Let us know what the tooth fairy dishes out! :)

Bri(do you call her that yet?!) is so Beautiful. I love the pics! Ava just said..."She can hold her head up!" (We're working on Leah and her tummy time the last few days!

holly said...

Thanks Tracey! The tooth fairy left $2. Noah was hoping for "paper money" but I told him that was quite a bit of money for such a small tooth :)