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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cousin Danica is in Town

We just had a visit from Amanda, Rob and Danica from Ottawa. My kids were so excited to meet their cousin and after seeing so many pictures it was great to meet her in person. We had a great visit and can't wait until July when she returns.

Welcome Spring

Yesterday was close to 30 degrees here in Fredericton. Spring is here!

Super Store Photos

Noah's Birthday Party

This year we had Noah's birthday party at Home Depot. I heard that Home Depot did children's parties while at Noah's school one day and booked it right away. It was a great spot for a bunch of 6 year old boys. Each kid got a Home Depot apron and got to build their own project. They got to choose between a sail boat or a bird house and Kya made a jewerelly box.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Random Goodies

These are some of my favorite pics taken over the past couple of weeks.


The kids awoke to jelly beans and chocolate eggs scattered around the house. They love to hunt for the goodies but made a quick stop to check out their new scooters. They have been playing with them alot since Sunday morning. I would say money well spent.

Noah turns 6

Noah celebrated his 6th birthday this past weekend. He was excited that his birthday was on Saturday and then the Easter Bunny came for a visit on Sunday. We had a great day spent with family. We went to Greg's parents on Saturday morning to paint Easter eggs and then Noah said he really wanted to go for a walk at Odell Park. After that we met up with Grammie, Art, Carter and Amanda for some gift opening and then met Gramma and Grampa at McGinnis Landing for dinner. It was a fun day.
I can't believe this my boy turned 6. It seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital after a long labour and c-section. He is sucha delight to be around, he is constantly making us laugh. We love you Noah, don't ever change!