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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Noah turns 6

Noah celebrated his 6th birthday this past weekend. He was excited that his birthday was on Saturday and then the Easter Bunny came for a visit on Sunday. We had a great day spent with family. We went to Greg's parents on Saturday morning to paint Easter eggs and then Noah said he really wanted to go for a walk at Odell Park. After that we met up with Grammie, Art, Carter and Amanda for some gift opening and then met Gramma and Grampa at McGinnis Landing for dinner. It was a fun day.
I can't believe this my boy turned 6. It seems like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital after a long labour and c-section. He is sucha delight to be around, he is constantly making us laugh. We love you Noah, don't ever change!


kerry said...

I can't get over how much Kya has changed since I last saw her..I love her long hair, she is beautiful - awesome photos!!! Happy Spring Lydon family!