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Sunday, November 14, 2010

A reunion

You may or not be aware, but I was adopted at the age of six weeks old. I am fortunate to have such wonderful parents as Barry and Irene and certainly could not have asked for a better life. Over the last 5 or 6 months I have found myself on an extremely wonderful and emotional journey of reunion with my birth father. After numerous months of emails and phone calls, him and I agreed to meet in person. This weekend we met for the first time here in Fredericton. We celebrated together an amazing weekend together and I feel so very lucky to have finally met him. I am so lucky this experience went as well as it did and could not have asked for a better first reunion! What a neat experience and I cant wait to continue this cool journey!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pic! Glad everything went so well. I'm happy for you.


Anonymous said...

Sweet!!! Great pic! Can't wait to hear all about it! Good for you for taking the leap. It can only get better from here :) See you soon!

Paul R. Sheppard said...

December 7, 2010


We learned this evening of your reunion with your birth-father; Barry told us of it in an e-mail about another family matter. What a wonderful experience; congratulations and best wishes to you both. It will add an interesting new dimension to your life and his.

Warm good wishes to you and Holly and the family, for Christmas and for 2011.

With affection,
(Uncle) Paul and (Aunt) Joan