? ??????????????The Best Thing? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.9 (23 Ratings)??83 Grabs Today. 10336 Total Grab
s. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ????2?? ?????Lovenotes? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??71 Grabs Today. 211 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:??? CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Morning

Seeing the gifts for the first time.

Easy Bake Microwave (as Kya would say)

On Christmas Eve Noah lost a tooth and there was some concern on if the Tooth Fairy would come the same night as Santa. Noah left his tooth under his pillow and woke up at 3:30am to find $6 and a note from Santa saying that the Tooth Fairy asked him to check under Noah's pillow. We woke up to Noah (quite upset) saying that he couldn't get back to sleep because he knew Santa had been here and he was too excited to wait until morning. Greg crawled in bed with him and they all slept in until 6:30.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morning

Gifts from Kevin, Judy and Sloane. Thank you, we love the iPad!!

Thank you Aunt Amanda, Uncle Rob and Danica

Playground Fun

It's great having a playground so close to us.

The tree

Thursday, December 23, 2010


(These photos were taken last month when we still had snow)

Today we start our holidays until the new year. We are looking forward to the time off and hanging out with the kids. We don't have any definite plans, we are just going to take it day by day. Happy Holidays everyone!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


I joined the Running Room this year and have completed their Learn to Run , 5K clinic and am now in their 10K clinic. I'm really enjoying it and last weekend I participated in my first official 5K race. My goal was to do the race in 30 minutes and I came in just over 28 minutes so I'm happy. I had the whole family there to cheer me on. Santa was even there with treat bags and new stuffed animals for the kids.

Christmas Photo Shoot

This season got away from us and I didn't have a chance to book holiday pictures for the kids. So we dressed them up and did a mini photo shoot at home. It was short lived but I think we got a few good pictures.