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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kya's Broken Finger

Sunday morning Kya got her finger jammed in the screen door and this is the result of that little accident. I'm not sure exactly what happened but I suspect that when Noah went out the front door to see Greg he shut the door and Kya's baby finger happened to be on the wrong place. I heard her scream and ran over and it was definately stuck. We got her cleaned up and she seemed to be okay. She went down for a nap and after her nap I took off her bandaid and noticed that she was still bleeding a little bit and she was crying saying that her finger hurt so Greg and I took her to Oromocto to the hospital. After three x-rays the doctor confirmed that she has a minor break on the tip of her finger. She was such a trooper the whole time and I think she really enjoyed having Greg and I to herself for a few hours. There isn't much that can be done with the finger so we're soaking it in epson salts and changing the bandage a few times a day. The doctor perscribed a cream to put on it but that's about it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Noah on his bike

Noah recently learned to ride his bike without training wheels. Greg put together a little movie of the big event. Turn on your speakers and enjoy.

Boiestown Firefighter Competition

Yesterday we decided to make the trip to Boisetown to meet up with the Keats family for their Firefighter Competition. They had some activities set up for the kids and although the adults were quite disappointed the kids enjoyed them selves. Afterwards we headed off to the local greasy spoon for lunch. Kya wasn't into this event which is why there are no pictures of her to be seen. I think the highlight was when the firefighter allowed William and Noah to turn on the siren on the pump truck. Fun times!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pool Fun

We are so lucky to have Greg's parents pool to cool off in, especially this summer with my expanding waistline. It has been forever since we've hung out with the Harvey clan so we invited them over to the pool for some appetizers and pool fun. It has been so HOT in Fredericton this week that it felt good to jump in. It's a good thing Barry and Irene were not home because I'm sure they wouldn't approve of how Greg and Brandon were trying to teach the boys to swim.
This is where we put the kids when they don't listen - the dog kennel (just joking of course!) It's not hard to tell that Noah and Kya are siblings. Check out those smiles.

Sunday, July 06, 2008


We just got home from an amazing trip to PEI. It was the first time that Greg and I have been there together - his first time since walking the bridge when it first opened. Heather and Andrew recommended these cozy little cabins in New Glascow at a private camp ground called Highlands. It was the nicest private campground that we've ever stayed at. It has an in ground pool, fishing pond, clean bathrooms with free showers. Our cabin was definately cozy but it was all that we needed. It had bunkbeds - which Noah and Kya loved - a double bed a small picnic table and a futon with enough room to walk around. The owners were super friendly.
We spent the days doing short day trips and as much beach combing as possible. This will be our last vacation as a family of 4. Baby Marshmellow arrives in 1 month. (For those of you who don't get it, the kids have named the baby Marshmellow and refuse to even discuss any other names)

Vacation 2008

More PEI


The kiddos just finished their first official swimming lessons. They really enjoyed it and are getting really good. Their lessons started at 10am which meant we didn't have to rush in the morning and we hit the market afterwards every weekend. It was a nice routine. We'll take the summer off of lessons and practice at the grandparents since both sets have above ground pools this year.