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Sunday, July 06, 2008


We just got home from an amazing trip to PEI. It was the first time that Greg and I have been there together - his first time since walking the bridge when it first opened. Heather and Andrew recommended these cozy little cabins in New Glascow at a private camp ground called Highlands. It was the nicest private campground that we've ever stayed at. It has an in ground pool, fishing pond, clean bathrooms with free showers. Our cabin was definately cozy but it was all that we needed. It had bunkbeds - which Noah and Kya loved - a double bed a small picnic table and a futon with enough room to walk around. The owners were super friendly.
We spent the days doing short day trips and as much beach combing as possible. This will be our last vacation as a family of 4. Baby Marshmellow arrives in 1 month. (For those of you who don't get it, the kids have named the baby Marshmellow and refuse to even discuss any other names)