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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kya's Broken Finger

Sunday morning Kya got her finger jammed in the screen door and this is the result of that little accident. I'm not sure exactly what happened but I suspect that when Noah went out the front door to see Greg he shut the door and Kya's baby finger happened to be on the wrong place. I heard her scream and ran over and it was definately stuck. We got her cleaned up and she seemed to be okay. She went down for a nap and after her nap I took off her bandaid and noticed that she was still bleeding a little bit and she was crying saying that her finger hurt so Greg and I took her to Oromocto to the hospital. After three x-rays the doctor confirmed that she has a minor break on the tip of her finger. She was such a trooper the whole time and I think she really enjoyed having Greg and I to herself for a few hours. There isn't much that can be done with the finger so we're soaking it in epson salts and changing the bandage a few times a day. The doctor perscribed a cream to put on it but that's about it.


Heather Keats said...

Ouch! Poor little Kya, hope her finger is feeling better soon!

The kids are super lonesome for Kya and Noah...william was moaning about how long Noah's vacation is going to be and Emily told me last night about 10 times that Kya is on a B-cation...hee hee! Hope your enjoying your week!!