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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An update on Kya

Sine the beginning of September Kya has been to pre-school two morning per week at the YMCA. It's a nice break. She has also decided to give up her afternoon naps which can make the later part of the afternoon challenging. We're finding our way though and it is great being able to spend this time with her.
Kya started a creative movement dance class last weekend and although I don't have any pictures of her class just yet, here are a few of her practicing. I love the arm in the pictures. These little girls with their pony tails and pink bodysuits has got to be one of the cutest things ever!

An Update on Noah

Noah is involved in alot of activities this fall. He has swimming lessons on Monday night and has recently started a pre-hockey program at Kingswood. He is loving it and is doing really well. We decided to enroll him in this program instead to make sure that he likes it before spending all of that money on the youth hockey program that the city offers. This way he can also enroll in Ski School starting in January. These kids definately keep us busy!
Most of the summer he asked to do karate but he lost interest after two classes. The classes were at Liverpool Street school and while he was in class the girls and I would go and play at the playground and he decided he would rather play on the play structure instead. Oh well, at least he tried it.
Noah is doing great in Kindergarten. He comes home with alot of interesting stories.

An Update on Briana

Our baby girl is 2 months old tomorrow. Today she had a doctors appointment for her vaccinations and a check up. She is weighing in at 11 lbs 12oz and 22.5 inches long. She is an easy baby so far, she nurses and sleeps well. She is still co-sleeping with Greg and I but is only waking once or twice during the night. She is full of smiles first thing in the morning when she is attacked by her brother and sister. Irene nicknamed Noah and Kya the "velcro twins" and it is really fitting. If somebody is paying attention to Briana they are all over that person. They are so in love with her...I hope it lasts.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Here's Briana helping out with the laundry. Briana is over 10 lbs now.

Congo Square

We spent Saturday afternoon at Congo Square to celebrate Harvest Jazz and Blues. There were lots of people around and it was a great way to catch up with people we haven't seen in a while. The kids enjoyed the face painting and for the rest of the day we were not allowed to call Kya by her name, she was known as Butterfly Girl.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Noah starts Kindergarten

This moment is so bittersweet. On one hand it is so exciting to watch our children grow up and learn new things but on the other hand we want them to remain babies forever. Noah was so excited to start kindergarten and as Greg drove off with him I must admist that I had a few tears in my eyes. Greg took him to school and helped him get settled. I picked him up a couple of hours later and got to see his classroom and meet his teacher. Noah wanted to show me every little thing in his classroom. The highlights were the chair with his name on it and the hook to hang up his coat. Oh yeah and the toys...
This year while I'm on maternity leave I'll be home to pick Noah up after school every day. Kya will be home with me all but two mornings per week when she will be off to preschool at the YMCA. I must admit the past two days with all three kids have been a bit overwhelming but I'm confident we'll get into the swing of things soon. Patience is the key.

Frex 2008

Noah is at the age now where he gets very excited to see the exhibition roll into town. We had to drive by every day last week to see the progression of them setting up. We took the kids on Monday afternoon and spent a fortune but it was well worth it to hear those giggles as they went on the rides. Greg got to enjoy a few rides as well. He is on the Crazy Bus with Noah and Kya and got to go on the haunted ghost ride with Noah. Briana slept the entire time as we walked around checking out the rides and games.

The Girls

Briana is now 1 month old and Kya is still completely in love with her. Hopefully this never changes and they become the best of friends.
The baby is doing well. She is very happy and is still sleeping most of the time. I'm not sure what her weight is yet but she has the start of rolls on her thighs so I think she is gaining well. I love it when babies get all rolly polly. She started smiling last week and we all get very excited when we catch a glimpse of those gums.