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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Update on Noah

Noah is involved in alot of activities this fall. He has swimming lessons on Monday night and has recently started a pre-hockey program at Kingswood. He is loving it and is doing really well. We decided to enroll him in this program instead to make sure that he likes it before spending all of that money on the youth hockey program that the city offers. This way he can also enroll in Ski School starting in January. These kids definately keep us busy!
Most of the summer he asked to do karate but he lost interest after two classes. The classes were at Liverpool Street school and while he was in class the girls and I would go and play at the playground and he decided he would rather play on the play structure instead. Oh well, at least he tried it.
Noah is doing great in Kindergarten. He comes home with alot of interesting stories.