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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Noah starts Kindergarten

This moment is so bittersweet. On one hand it is so exciting to watch our children grow up and learn new things but on the other hand we want them to remain babies forever. Noah was so excited to start kindergarten and as Greg drove off with him I must admist that I had a few tears in my eyes. Greg took him to school and helped him get settled. I picked him up a couple of hours later and got to see his classroom and meet his teacher. Noah wanted to show me every little thing in his classroom. The highlights were the chair with his name on it and the hook to hang up his coat. Oh yeah and the toys...
This year while I'm on maternity leave I'll be home to pick Noah up after school every day. Kya will be home with me all but two mornings per week when she will be off to preschool at the YMCA. I must admit the past two days with all three kids have been a bit overwhelming but I'm confident we'll get into the swing of things soon. Patience is the key.


Heather Keats said...

Love these pictures---he is so handsome!!! I hope he loves school!