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Monday, October 27, 2008

Kya Turns 3

I can't believe our little girl is 3 years old. She is turning into a real girly girl and only wants to wear skirts or dresses these days with her "big socks". She loves lip gloss and jewerely. She makes us smile everyday and we love her so much!We hope you had a great birthday Tico!
Kya had an extended 3rd birthday this year. It started on Thursday when her preschool friends had a party for her and then later that night Grammie and Art brought over their gifts for her since they were going to be away on her actual birthday. Grammie, of course, has her clothed for another year Friday us girls hung out and we went out to dinner with Gramma and Grampa and then they came over afterwards for some cake. Greg made Kya a gorgeous VW Van toybox. She loves it and it looks great up in her room. He worked really hard to get it done for her birthday. Great job Daddy-O!
Sunday we had Kya's birthday party with our friends. We stole the idea of having a pajama/pancake party followed by a craft and cupcakes. Greg cooked up a storm while enjoying his coffee and Bailey's. Kya got alot of great gifts from her friends, a big thank you to everyone!