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Monday, October 29, 2007

Birthday Party

Yesterday we had Kya's second birthday party. We keep saying that we have to get them together more often and I think that now that winter is coming we really should start having regular play dates. It's so much fun getting the adults together and the kids enjoy it too :)

The kids all got along well. They seemed to enjoy their lasagna and garlic bread and we even got a few of them to eat the salad. And of course the cake was a big hit!

Here are some photos of Kya unwrapping her gifts. It started out some what controlled but by the end it was complete mayhem. And it was over in under 3 minutes. Thank you to everybody for all the great gifts.


Anonymous said...

Great photos holly. I am glad you got a good shot of Ella and Kya in their (unplanned) matching dresses - so cute!
