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Friday, October 05, 2007

Noah and Kya

Lisa sent me these photos of the kids taken at Nicholas' birthday party last weekend. Too cute. They are both getting way to big and grown up for my liking!


Rob said...

Wow, is Kya ever getting big!! She looks just like you!

Anonymous said...

October 10, 2007
(Wednesday night)

Dear Greg & Holly,

Hello there from Brockville, Ontario. While most of the rest of this province is glued to their TV sets tonight watching the Provincial Election results, as you can see, I am not. I am not a very political animal; the process is necessary, but given all the scandals, rather depressing. Instead, I am checking out a family blog-spot which I have not looked at for some time, and enjoying it. Nice set of photos - and how your children are growing! Children naturally do that, yet it is an ever-fresh miracle as one watches it happen. But I don't have to tell you that, do I? I also liked your journal-accounts, Holly, of some of the pleasant outings you have had with your family.
Well, I'll close off, because the capacity of this comment-box may be limited. Love and best wishes to you all, from (Aunt) Joan and me. Perhaps we may even see you in a week or so, because as it happens, we intend to make a visit down your way and see your Mom and Dad, Greg.


(Uncle) Paul (Sheppard)