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Monday, October 22, 2007

Fall Update

YEAH - I can finally update my blog from home again. Hopefully this will encourage me to update more often. There have been alot of changes in the Lydon household this fall. Noah started daycare at the YMCA in September with Kya joining him a month later. We are very happy with them being there. They get swimming lessons once a week, they play at Wilmot park every afternoon and are constantly doing fun activities. Noah's favorite was pajama day and I must admit I enjoyed that one also. I made sure to put clean pajamas on him the night before and after breakfast the next morning, we were off to daycare :) Kya is so happy to be back with her brother and apparently he is quite the little man making sure she knows the rules of the Y and introducing her to everyone.
Greg started a new job in September. He is really enjoying it so far and its great because he is right downtown across the street from me. It's awesome having him home at 5pm and having the extra hands getting Noah and Kya ready in the mornings.
Here is a picture of Noah and Robert Munsch a few weeks ago. Noah is a big fan of his books and as soon as we heard he was doing a show at the Playhouse, we bought tickets.